At Tennocon, DE mentioned that they would be making some QOL changes to warframe like pets no longer permanently dying and auto-melee. Are there any other QOL changes that you would like to see added to the game?
At Tennocon, DE mentioned that they would be making some QOL changes to warframe like pets no longer permanently dying and auto-melee. Are there any other QOL changes that you would like to see added to the game?
Ability to display certain ability duration/buffs near the aiming reticule (something like what Harrow gets for his healing caused during Peneace) so I don’t have to constantly keep looking to the bottom right or top right. With how many Arcanes we have that rely on procing/have CDs and how often Warframes have some buffs that need constant maintenance this would be massive help to reduce the eye strain while using those.