If proper CPR involves compressing the chest so much such that the ribcage might break - doesnt that breakage risks a bone puncturing the heart?
If proper CPR involves compressing the chest so much such that the ribcage might break - doesnt that breakage risks a bone puncturing the heart?
Yes, more common however is a rib puncturing a lung. Regardless, the (slim) possibility of that happening is preferable to the certain death that would happen if you didn’t perform CPR
This. When I got my CPR training, the consensus was: if you hear or feal something crack, don’t stop. Messing up is better than doing nothing.
Also, if you’re concerned, don’t be afraid to perform CPR on a female. Their modesty is worth a lot less than their life.
Hearing a crack isn’t messing up. Broken ribs are common in cpr.
External compression isn’t exactly the normal mechanism of blood circulation.
That’s true, my point was just that a broken rib doesn’t mean you made a mistake during CPR.