Our democracy is so flawed that some things could be done by ministerial orders and parliament resolutions in the interim, which is silver lining here. Hope we’ll get deep systemic reforms when possible so that we’re not in such a cluster fuck again but I’m not holding my breath. Tusk had 8 years to do that already and KO+PSL government only made things worse back then.
Who controlls the media? The president or some ministers?
I could write 5 paragraphs about what legal quirks government and president could use to keep control of it. It’s complicated but it’s believed that government would have easy time disbanding state media altogether and reforming it, if it was determined enough to skirt law in that way. PiS established separate oversight over TVP specifically but it wouldn’t matter in that instance. It wouldn’t require passing legislation that the president could veto either.
“bo kaczynski nie moze isc na emeryture i Morawiecki jest jego pionkiem” - is what i’d say
Swap Morawiecki with Duda and it’d be just as true. It’s also why even if Kaczyński will officially “retire” as chairman, he’ll still pull strings within the party so it doesn’t collapse.
hope we booth added some context for non european reddit migrants