This is an automated archive.

The original was posted on /r/ivpn by /u/viktorivpn on 2023-08-19 13:06:50+00:00.

Four 10 Gbps capacity servers are now available to IVPN customers in Virginia, US (us-va1, OpenVPN+WireGuard), Warsaw (pl1, OpenVPN+WireGuard), Frankfurt (de1, WireGuard only) and Amsterdam (nl1, WireGuard only). We have also increased available bandwidth in eight other locations, including Brussels, Helsinki and Toronto.

Full list of servers with increased capacity:

  • Amsterdam - nl1

  • Brussels - be1

  • Copenhagen - dk1

  • Frankfurt - de1

  • Greece - gr1

  • Helsinki - fi1

  • Paris - fr1

  • Bratislava - sk2

  • Tel Aviv - il1

  • Toronto - ca1, ca2

  • Virginia, US - us-va1

  • Warsaw - pl1

You can review our list of servers on the Status page -