• danielton@lemmy.frozeninferno.xyz
    1 year ago

    Ooh, big text!

    Elected Democrat officials in many states shut down small businesses, while declaring big corporations like Walmart and Amazon “essential”

    Elected Democrat officials caused people to die of non-covid causes by denying them access to things like Alcoholics Anonymous and other programs to sober up.

    Elected Democrat officials hurt development of children with lockdowns lasting more than a year.

    Elected Democrats granted exceptions to the covid restrictions of 2020 and 2021 to protests they agreed with while demanding that small businesses and parks stay closed for “social distancing.”

    Elected officials printed a shit ton of money to bail corporations out for covid and then act like they have no clue why inflation is so bad.

    Elected officials put thousands of my unionized brothers and sisters out of work with executive orders.

    Elected officials caused domestic violence to skyrocket, mental health to decline, and now they’re talking about more lockdowns after promising that anyone getting the vaccines would not spread the virus.

    Elected Democrats can’t even be bothered to codify things like abortion and gay marriage, but it’s always someone else’s fault, fodder for the next election cycle.

    My point is, neither side actually gives a shit. I agree with most of what you’re saying about Republicans, but Democrats just do not give a shit either. They just play the blame game. Nothing will get done because all of these politicians are laughing their way to the bank while everybody else bickers.

    • VonCesaw@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Democrats suck, and they have always sucked, its a given. Not new, not controversial. Conservatives, especially the non-Trumpers, have absolutely no qualms with allying themselves WITH Trump because it’s an ideology founded on greediness and spite. Conservatives will ALWAYS fall in line with even their political disagreements if it means they get to commit violence on those they dislike, strengthen hierarchies, or try to enact their weird palingenesis