For example, English speakers commonly mix up your/you’re or there/their/they’re. I’m curious about similar mistakes in other languages.

    10 months ago

    I’m a native French speaker, specifically from the Acadian parts of the province of New-Brunswick (Canada). We have a lot of vocabulary, grammar and syntax that people who speak a more standard French might frown upon (lots of borrowing from English but also a lot of old French words which disappeared in Europe but not here, as well as some Indigenous influences). Fuck anyone who judges our dialect and accents, I love the way we speak.

    That being said, there are a few things that bother me:

    1. The pleonasm “plus pire” (most worst, or most most bad). There are a few common pleonasm but this one is the only one that truly irks me for some reason.

    2. “Si que” (if that) because of something that was drilled into me by my dad, “les si n’aiment pas les que” (“the ifs don’t like the thats”). Using “si que” is like saying “if that I say this” rather than “if I say this”.

    The more I think about it the more I guess my stance on this is that deviating from standard French is fine and even cool when it adds meaning or nuance. I just dislike it when it’s purely redundant.

      10 months ago

      In France there are some mistakes that became social markers.

      People following conspiracy theories are mostly bad educated people, and they wrongly conjugate some verbs.

      The most common examples are:

      • “Nous sachons”, instead of “Nous savons” (we know)
      • “Ils croivent” instead of “Ils croient” (they think, they believe)
      • “Comme même” instead of “Quand même” (nonetheless, despite, kinda hard to translate)

      Making one of those mistakes will immediately tag you as a fool.