I recently discovered, that this could create some issues for me. I want to get diagnosed, but I’m concerned about how it will affect me in a legal sense. I was wondering if there’s a way, I can find out that information?
Edit: I am from Australia Currently, as it stands, retaining my drivers license post diagnosis, demands that I disclose my diagnosis, and do another test to prove I am fit to drive. This test costs $1,500. I have already started my assessment, and am doing my second session soon. I don’t want to not go through with it, because it is valuable to know for sure, that I am autistic. It may also give me accommodations, but it may be difficult to get depending on my support needs.
So after you get diagnosed you have to do a test to prove that you’re capable of driving?
Unfortunately, yes. Even though I have my drivers license.
The whole point of been in a system with a label is too get help and understanding from that system. If that label is used to punish you then avoid that label.
Are there any legal group who can get a court to review this new law? it sounds like it should break some anti discrimination law.
There’s been a recent update. I might make a post about it: https://austroads.com.au/latest-news/assessing-fitness-to-drive-2022-no-changes-to-fitness-to-drive-requirements-for-people-diagnosed-with-autism
Looks like people were interpreting the vagueness of it in a way that was fear mongering
Some additional context: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-11-20/autism-driving-licences-new-standards/103108100