• AccomplishedCheck895@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    That’s a denial of the obivious fact that If tesla leaves those worker will be without a job… At Tesla. If Tesla were to shut down it’s business in Sweden, what would happen to the jobs of those people who currently work there (all of them, and not just the mechanics)?

    Your seem to be inferring the workers could find jobs elsewhere which is not… insightful. Who would get them those jobs? The union? The union didn’t get them the jobs they have now so…

    Is it easy to be cavalier with someone else’s job? It comes down to the scenario’s Fact (they’d have no job at Tesla) Versus the Speculation (They could find another job… somewhere).

    • HerrAndersson@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      Who would get them those jobs?

      In the CBA that IF Metall is trying to have Tesla sign there is a part about support if you lose your job (omställningsstöd). It’s an extra safetynet that, and while it doesn’t promise to lead to a new job, it helps you on the way.

      At the moment workers at Tesla doesn’t have this, and that is one of the reasons for the strike.