I hear a lot about the various EVs on the market and their drivetrain/software/ride quality but I rarely hear about the quality of service that comes post-purchase. Perhaps because it’s not an exciting topic.

Which brand would y’all say has the best or worst reputation in the regard? How would you say Chevy compares to Tesla or Hyundai?

  • flyfreeflylow@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    My service from the local Nissan dealership for my EV has been fine, but that’s caveated. They only have one EV tech at that dealership. He appears to know his stuff, but with there only being one you’re at the mercy of that person being available.

    For non-EV service, I’ve not had bad service from any of the local dealerships - GM, Ford, Toyota, and Honda. I’d say I’ve been happiest with GM just due to timeliness and ease of the interactions.

    Service in general is highly specific to one’s local dealerships and techs.