In the first 6 months of 2023, Fiat Sold a total of 280 cars. There are currently 357 Fiat dealerships in the US.
In the first 6 months of 2023, Fiat Sold a total of 280 cars. There are currently 357 Fiat dealerships in the US.
By comparison:
For 2023 MINI USA has thus far seen a 18.7% increase with 22,769 vehicles sold compared to 19,185. Leading the way was a massive increase in Countryman sales with a 71.8% increase in sales for the quarter. That’s help offset the 285 decrease in the two door hardtop and 10% drop in Clubman sales.
From Google. As a previous MINI tech, I knew the Countryman was bound to fake over the brand since the small car market went down south after people got used to $3+ per gallon of fuel.
BMW has also been smart with MINI’s positioning, pivoting the brand ethos from being small to being about alternative design, acknowledging it’ll be a niche player. I think this is hard for Fiat to wrap their heads around because they’re traditionally such a dominant brand in their markets.
For North America, in my view, Fiat would be wise to either lean into design with captive import Stellantis products (basically the DS lineup), or go all-in on cheap and cheerful by federalizing their South American products.