Seriously I’m so confused on this. The USA has a 2 party system. You either vote for Biden or you get Trump. Abstaining from the vote you get Trump. MAGA will have a 100% turnout for their God Emperor.

Trump supports Israel 100%. Again, by not voting for Biden the reality is you’re voting for Trump who is even more supportive of Israel and will also attempt to upend democracy in the west.

You don’t have any options here that support Palestine. The reality of the situation is you either get Biden or Trump and the latter is infinitely worse for the ideal you’re trying to uphold by abstaining. That’s how politics work in the US. You might not like it, it sucks, but unfortunately that’s just the way things work.


  • Makr
    10 months ago

    That’s how politics work in the US.

    Not really, unfortunately. All these “if you don’t vote for A you’re voting for B” arguments would be a little more applicable if the US presidential election was a simple majority vote, but anyone with the most basic of US politics knowledge has heard of the Electoral College. Hillary Clinton wasn’t elected president in 2016, but not because more people voted for Trump.

    And that’s without taking into the account voting suppression. Would you tell someone who can’t vote because of racist laws that they are “voting for Trump”?

      10 months ago

      Just a reminder that the popular vote was:
      Donald Trump: 62,984,828
      Hillary Clinton: 65,853,514

      A difference of only 3 million, in a vote with 127m

      Now this is not to say the electoral college is not an issue here, it certainly is. But even by the standards of the popular vote it was a close race. It is important to stress to people their vote matters because you don’t want people to be wishy washy, getting this close, in a race as important as this…cause this is precisely the kind of situation where yeah, it’s very likely the electoral college could come into play.

      Basically people act like it was a landslide, but we should be encouraging people to make it an actual landslide next time. Because chances are even in a system where an alternate voting element could mess things up, the popular vote will get in the way if it’s strong enough.