It’s an accessibly feature for those who can’t hold down shift and the key they want to have in uppercase (or the variant, like the exclamation point).
It’s useful for less computer savvy people or those with muscular issues (and for Tom, who fucking insists using his tongue to type is more hygienic (it’s decidedly not))
Read the popup dialogue next time. It tells you what Sticky Keys is for and how to disable the trigger if you don’t want it.
Or go to settings > accessibility > sticky keys > “keyboard shortcut for sticky keys”.
Sorry I can’t read. Can you just tell us?
It’s an accessibly feature for those who can’t hold down shift and the key they want to have in uppercase (or the variant, like the exclamation point).
It’s useful for less computer savvy people or those with muscular issues (and for Tom, who fucking insists using his tongue to type is more hygienic (it’s decidedly not))
It has no purpose other than fucking with you and there’s no way to turn it off
it’s for ppl that can’t hold it down
And you can disable it