Hello, I’m a bit new to all this and still learning so forgive me if this is obvious.

I currently have a normal wifi network for internet running through an ASUS AC1900.

I would like to set up a standalone wifi network, without internet, that will be completely dedicated to sending Art-Net data to some microcontrollers for LEDs (about 2600 WS2812b, I’m estimating the data need to be about 2-3 Mbps on the high end).

My questions are: can I set up a secondary network on my current router? If that’s not a great solution, can you all suggest a router or device that can maintain this standalone network and not interfere with the Art-Net data? I’ve read that the “dumber the better” for the router or switch, so that it doesn’t try to “look in” on the Art-Net data and somehow alter it.


  • bizarre_seminar@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I had a look at the manual for your router (PDF) and it does not appear to be able to broadcast more than one wifi network. One option is to replace your router, but another is to create a standalone access point just for those devices. You seem like someone who might have a spare Raspberry Pi lying around; do you? If so, you can use it to create a wireless network. It doesn’t even need to be connected to your router for this application.