I’m wondering if anyone has or knows of a case for the SD that has cutouts for intake and exhaust.
Specifically I’m talking about when it’s fully encased. For example I’m thinking of the jsaux style or the dbrand where it’s a hard case with a clip on front piece that protects the screen and joysticks during transport.
The reason I ask is because I always hit pause in my game and put the deck to sleep, then resume playing a couple hours later. I recently had the deck wake from sleep (I blame the dumb EA app) while it was zipped up in the original case that came with the deck. It basically overheated and the cpu got locked at 400mhz, I managed to fix it by using the battery storage mode trick.
Anyways going forward I obviously want to avoid this from ever happening again, so I’m hoping someone knows of a case that allows airflow through the intake and exhaust vents while encased.
Yeah there’s some weird things, I can see this comment but not the other one
I was actually replying to your previous comment, the one you linked but I put my phone down and did something else. When I came back and reopened reddit to reply to the comment it was gone and I couldn’t find it…? Maybe it got auto deleted because there is an Amazon link?
Anyways I wanted to ask you, if you had the front piece on that case and your deck woke up from sleep would there be enough airflow to keep it from overheating? One of the pictures of it seems to show air flowing out the cutouts on the back just above the intake?
I’m guessing it’s not exactly a tight seal on the top where the front plate clips, so the exhaust from the deck would be able to escape.