I’ve been a Manchester United fan since 2019 and know it’s depressing to support after years
I was wondering if I should continue being a United fan or quit being a United fan and instead support a rival team
I would much appreciate all the help
As a United fan, we don’t need people like you, so fuck off to Arsenal or Liverpool for all I care.
If you’re asking this question then you aren’t a fan… please find a new club.
OP what age are you?
I’m 16
Ah you’ll be grand switching pal. Don’t be depressed. Find a club that has some meaning to you. Not one because its winning. Like one that’s local to you, one your family follows, one who has the most local players. Follow them. Does not need to be in the Premierleague either. Don’t take sport so serious. It’s only sport.
Qutting is only for plastics.
I’m not plastic
This has to be satire. How can you just become a man u fan in 2019 lmao. Did you move to Manchester or something?
A lot of these comments are super toxic. You rlly just have to find a way to put your happiness into other things rather than a sport. It’s completely possible to enjoy watching sports and be perfectly happy regardless of how your team performs. I hope you figure it out! Life is so much more than Manchester United.
Why are you depressed if this is all you ever knew?
Top tier shit post
Simple yet surprisingly effective
Troll post
if you were a proper fan, ou would have never even thought of changing clubs
That’s it I’m unsubscribing
All you’ve known is your club being bad unless it was a typo and you mean 2009 and not 2019
Soccer circlejerk is gonna be feasting on this
Change clubs and the stigma will be with you forever. I think there’s a really old law that states you can’t change.
Suck it up lad(?) this is a learning experience for you.