Story: 2023 - The super-cooperation seized the www with their AI. Escape seems hopeless… but you (the player: a tech savy hacky-guy) found the Goldkarpfen. Analyse the program and find the first node of the gk-network. Jump from node to node to find the exit node to escape the hypnotic power of the superAI.
HUGE payoff in the late game!
#GPL3 #game #cyberpunk
Quote “The best OSS-game ever!” L.G. Wilkinson
Hint: you need this key
-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MFYwEAYHKoZIzj0CAQYFK4EEAAoDQgAE2vcS3zxVTm5ElCDi4j7YNWl8VshOjcjU rxdQFR/bGDhLH/Caai0xfPkrTWrFwkzRywolwXVgKZverSL1iM/m+g== -----END PUBLIC KEY-----