I’m having some weird issues with Traefik in front of various containers. Initially it all worked fine, but as I got more containers behind Traefik, I started having weird results. Some containers that were working would stop responding with “gateway timeout” yet still could be accessed without HTTP on their port if I still exposed it.

I seem to have a group of containers that usually are the ones that stop working (metabase, windmill, nextcloud, invidious, searxng). A lot of them continue to work and have never seen them go down.

If I restart containers over and over again or restart traefik will make some combination of them work again, but I can’t get them all working at once, but sometimes I can get most of them but one working.

For example, I stop all the problematic containers. I start change detection, it works fine via ssl. I start metabase, now change detection and metabase aren’t working. Traefik logs are giving me no errors though. If I shutdown metabase, then try again, change detection doesn’t work, but if I restart traefik it starts working.

All the other containers like homepage, portainer, and so on are working fine.