Eglot is a lot more bare-bones than lsp-mode – leaving ‘UI chrome’ to external packages that can work generically with emacs’ existing ecosystem (flymake/eldoc/etc.) – and this generally works for me. Making similar migrations in my config has worked out very well – notably to use vertico family of packages for completions.
Are there packages you like that provide additional chrome on what eglot makes available? I’m particularly interested in project diagnostics from flymake, but I’m curious to see what else folks have come across.
Sorry for the late reply, but the package looks interesting: how did you get it to work with eglot? Doesn’t seem to have support for it out of the box.
Welp, I use sideline-blame and sideline-flymake. OP asked about flymake, so I figured it was relevant.
Corfu and it’s extensive packages.