Unraid running a Cyber Weekend Sale + a neat giveaway in late november! Link -> https://unraid.net/blog/cyber-weekend-giveaway
Unraid running a Cyber Weekend Sale + a neat giveaway in late november! Link -> https://unraid.net/blog/cyber-weekend-giveaway
Where’s the fun in paying someone else to do it all for you?
MergerFS+SnapRAID will give you a very similar set of features/flexibility compared to UNRAID storage. OpenMediaVault has native MergerFS+SnapRAID support and can also do ZFS - I would look at that for a comparable alternative. Otherwise, I’m very fond of a Proxmox host with a TrueNAS VM for ZFS pool management, or just managing the ZFS pool with the Proxmox host itself through this cockpit extension.
I mean, Unraid makes it pretty easy to set it all up, no fussing around with the command line. It also has one of the best docker gui tools out there. I think it’s a lot nicer to use than Proxmox or TrueNAS.
Hear, hear! I freaking love unRaid. Just the right amount of minimal GUI. And it’s not like it’s expensive, I don’t mind supporting the people that create this.