Welcome swampies old and new! Enemies are many, Friends are few.

Why swamp_refugees?

For the benefit of any newcomers that might happen upon this community I should offer some words of explanation as to what swamp_refugees is.

Swampies began in the covid years when many of us sensed that things were not as they were made out to be. Opposition to the fairly universally applied dictats of governments around the world (myself in the UK) was stamped upon with ferocity and disastrous lockdowns were imposed. A privately run forum appeared where these issues were debated, but after a while the person running that forum decided that the opinions of some were not welcome any more and declared the forum a ‘toxic swamp’ and expelled most of its members by switching on a paywall. Thus swampies were born and set out on their first migration!

One swampie started up a site on reddit where the discussions could continue (it is still up and running at https://old.reddit.com/r/LockdownSceptics/). Then our delightful UK government introduced a thing called the ‘Online Safety Bill’ which passed through both houses, upper and lower, without a murmur of opposition. This will ‘protect your children’ they said, they didn’t mention at what cost to free speech.

So a natural sceptic like myself can only see restrictions being imposed on reddit before long and that is why us swampies need another place to run to, and this is it, our second migration (possibly) - hence swamp_refugees. While the reddit site is still up and running this might be a fairly quiet community, but if what I fear will happen actually does happen it may liven up considerably.