Personally I’m running Foundry and have been meaning to spin up Owlbear 1.0 now that it’s self hostable - but I feel like there’s more i could be doing. Is anyone aware of a self hostable character sheet/character builder? I suppose i could go next cloud for storing folders and files but I don’t think anyone would use it - what self hosted services are you using at your tables?
Not hosted in the traditional sense but makes a near perfect companion if you don’t want to put all of your content in Foundry. Check out Obsidian TTRPG Tutorials
Oh huge fan of obsidian my ttrpg graph has like 10k notes. If it was FOSS and natively self hostable it would be perfect.
Foundry does it all including a character wizard for 5e
Not really the topic, but why do you want to run owlbear alongside foundry? It seems like a slimmer alternative rather than something to use in conjunction.
To actually answer the title post I just run foundryvtt and I have a bunch of RPG manuals backed up in Nextcloud so I guess that too
Two reasons: Foundry has been feeling more and more bloated and still doesn’t work well on tablets or mobile, while Owlbear does; and Foundry doesn’t like to play nicely with cloudflare tunnels, and owlbear does from what I understand.
Do you run Foundry in Docker? Where does Foundry not play nice?
I’ve run Foundry + CloudFlared in Docker with 0 issues for some time.