A wild and wacky week last week. One with ballot implications for sure

  • ToasterOverlord@fanaticus.socialM
    11 months ago

    It’s so goofy that Georgia is still behind JMU in your poll. Do any rankings factor into your algorithm at all or is it just record+SOS?

    Also, I didn’t notice this last week, but Troy is also kind of suspect here given they went head-to-head with K-State and lost handily. But I know computers are weird at times (mine seems to go the opposite way with the G5 teams).

    • MaroonMage@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      Yeah it’s just a part of how my poll is set up. There can be some goofyness sometimes, but it usually works out by the end of the season.

      I use the Pre-Season AP rankings as a starting point, purely to give the early weeks some kind of structure. Those rankings are applied as a diminishing factor from Week 0 through Week 6. After Week 6 my rankings are only based on W/L record and opponent’s rankings.

      Through Week 10, Georgia has the weakest strength of schedule of all Power 5 teams, with their opponents ranking 82 on average. For comparison, the average ranking of JMU’s opponents is 74. So JMU’s wins are worth more at the moment. Those SOS rankings are re-calculated each week, so they’re going to change over the last weeks of the season. If UGA wins out, they’ll be fine.

      This also explains the K-State/Troy discrepancy. Yes K-State beat Troy earlier in the season, but my spreadsheet doesn’t really care who you beat, it only cares about what your opponent is ranked and whether you won or lost. Teams don’t get a head-to-head boost against previous opponents.

      I like this ranking system in part because it takes all the human emotion out of it. Teams are ranked only based on the results of their games and how strong their opponents are ranked, so their name or conference or my personal feelings of where they should be ranked don’t factor into it. It also looks at their entire body of work evenly, so early games aren’t weighted differently than late-season games, which is different from how AP and most human polls do it.

      Of course, one of the obvious drawbacks of this system is highlighted by the UGA scenario: the best team in the country could be cursed with a bad schedule. For that I rely on the other eye test based polls in c/cfb to balance me out. I bring the robotic analysis, I’ll let others handle the vibes.

      • ToasterOverlord@fanaticus.socialM
        11 months ago

        Thanks for the in-depth reasoning. As I mentioned in a previous week, I’m totally cool with this approach (and my poll also disregards head-to-head, but it is always an interesting argument against our power-rating-style computer polls).

        Any plans to adjust the methodology with realignment kicking into high gear next year? I foresee lots of strong teams stuck playing each other, resulting in everyone picking up losses and looking worse on paper than in reality (as already happens with the PAC every year). I, for one, plan on restructuring my algorithm since it was designed based on the assumption that the 5 “power” conferences (+ND and BYU) were relatively equal.