Anyone have good places to watch for deals?

    11 months ago

    I came here to get away from Reddit, but for Usenet deals, I don’t know where else to track them. I haven’t been on Usenet long enough to go through BF deals yet, but I plan on tracking (for provider deals, obviously).

    I’ve also seen provider reps post in the main sub ( with “terabyte Tuesday” & other similar type deals, but I can’t recall if I’ve ever seen indexer reps post deals in there (pretty sure they don’t, please anyone correct me if I’m wrong). My provider is Eweka, so I don’t plan on getting any other provider deals, but I’ll still take a look at what’s available. Another good sub to track indexers might be: Example: when Ninja (indexer) opened up registrations (temporarily no invite needed, about a month ago, supposedly very rare), it got posted in both of these subs.

    Originally, my first provider wass a 2TB block from UsenetPrime (UsenetExpress backbone) and only completed 55% of the downloads I tried. I was extremely frustrated, and kept asking myself “this is what everyone else is saying is so great?” I did a lot of searching through various posts and then got the Eweka annual unlimited plan, and I haven’t had any real problems since. I later picked up a 500GB data block from BlockNews (doesn’t expire, & although they’re under the same Omicron company name, they’re on a different Highwinds backbone), just in case I ever ran into any future problems. Usenet.Farm (“Its Hosted” backbone) also had a deal that (if I recall correctly) you just signed up for an account and you get a 10GB block for free, and can get a 48% discount (code BDAY2023) when you’re 10GB is gone and you’re ready to sign up for a package (I’m assuming that code expires at some point though). With all these blocks I have, all of my DLs come solely from Eweka (according to SABnzbd stats). So I wouldn’t buy any blocks (depending on who you’re main provider is).

    I’ve also seen a lot of people mention a combination deal of Frugal Usenet (Highwinds backbone, unlimited annual access, but limited retention), but it also has a 300GB or 750GB block with Usenet.Farm (“Its Hosted” backbone, supposedly longer retention period, more similar to Eweka) from Blocknews, for a little cheaper. So that may be another option for people to consider. Either way, I’d recommend not wasting money on UsenetPrime / UsenetExpress, or other data blocks unless you’re having problems.

    Just in case anyone is unaware of how backbones work, you should research it, and understand why you don’t want to pay for accounts on overlapping backbones. Good tools for checking are: -and-

    My indexers are: DrunkenSlug (DS), NZBGeek (Geek), NZBFinder (Finder), NZBPlanet (Planet), NZB.Su (Su), and NinjaCentral (Ninja). So far, Planet and Ninja have been the most disappointing. Planet rarely comes up with something I’m searching for, probably well below 33% of the time. Ninja also rarely shows up with search results. However, the difference is, the rare times I’ve had a problem completing a file, I’ve then attempted to DL from the Ninja index link and I was then able to complete it, but that’s been maybe 3 times? Planet just rarely shows up, to the point I forget I even have access to it. The other 4 indexers have all worked well. If there is another someone suggests, please let me know.

    I guess I’ll add, I got an invite to DOGnzb (indexer), but I soon realized you have to “buy” a shirt from them when paying for the account, and then if you want the shirt you just paid for, you have to actually pay for it again. Maybe it’s a decent indexer, but it’s extremely expensive, and I haven’t had a problem with my other indexers, so I deleted the DOG account & never tried it.

      11 months ago

      Frugal Usenet is on the same backbone as Usenet.Farm, so a better block account option would be Newsdemon on the UsenetExpress backbone. Apparently the Frugal Usenet year plan comes with a BlockNews block (Omicron backbone) as well, which seems to have a retention length closer to that of Eweka.

        11 months ago

        Frugal Usenet is on the same backbone as Usenet.Farm

        I don’t have these providers, but this is the deal that I’ve seen many other people refer to in the sub. It’s listed in the Usenet provider deals list: (“Frugal Usenet w/ UsenetFarm + 300 GB Yearly Blocknews Account” -and- “Frugal Usenet w/ UsenetFarm + 750 GB Yearly Blocknews Upgrade”).

        If you look on the “Usenet Tree” link ( it looks to me like FrugalUsenet falls under the Omicron company name (red highlighting), HW Media (Highwinds) backbone, and sold by the Newhosting provider (Frugal Usenet listed as the “resellers”, or maybe, like you said, the reseller here is BlockNews and not Frugal under Omicron).

        Usenet.Farm is the company name (green highlighting), “Its Hosted” backbone, Usenet.Farm provider, with multiple resellers listed, one of which is Frugal. I could be wrong, but I think the name of the reseller (showing up in multiple places) may be getting confused as being on the same backbone? The same reseller is selling access to more than just one provider / backbone, but either way, the unlimited annual data plan should be on a different backbone from the 300GB or 750GB block, not on the same backbone. At least that’s what I’ve understood from many others.

        so a better block account option would be Newsdemon on the UsenetExpress backbone

        I don’t doubt it could be a better backbone, but I don’t see any kind of deal with Frugal for either of those, and a Frugal Usenet w/ UsenetFarm + block deal is what I’ve seen many people talk about on the sub as being a good deal and working really well for them. I prefer my Eweka connection, but I’m trying to provide another very popular option.

        Additionally, as I mentioned, I have a 2TB block with the UsenetExpress backbone (from UsenetPrime). In my opinion, it’s garbage. My SABnzbd stats show a 55% availability rate, which agrees with my memory of continually having problems completing files before I got Eweka.

        EDIT: stats from SABnzbd

        UsenetExpress (before getting Eweka to today):
        Bandwidth: Total: 65.8 GB | Today: 0 B | This week: 532 KB | This month: 0 B | Selected date range: 65.8 GB | Article availability: | Selected date range: 55% available of 171K requested articles

        Probably about 55% of that 65.8GB of bw used was completely wasted on incomplete downloads, that had to be deleted and downloaded again once I got Eweka.

        Eweka: Bandwidth: Total: 1.2 TB | Today: 0 B | This week: 39.3 GB | This month: 4.2 GB | Selected date range: 1.2 TB | Article availability: | Selected date range: 99% available of 2M requested articles

        11 months ago

        Frugal Usenet is on the same backbone as Usenet.Farm

        the unlimited frugal servers are newshosting / omicron backbone. frugals bonus server is what is usenetfarm so both backbones together when you subscribe. shouldnt be any real need for a usenetexpress block account since you would have the usenetfarm backup already but i guess if you find a great sale you could throw it into your newsreader.

      11 months ago

      Following up with this post, here is the link to the subreddit BF Deals thread:

      There is already a deal mentioned in there (which the provider has since said was not intended as a BF deal, or for the regular public, I guess just repeat customers) but I’d encourage people NOT to utilize the UsenetExpress backbone. See the bottom of my other post for stats, compared to Eweka. Again, I like my Eweka provider, but another popular alternative may be the Frugal Usenet w/ UsenetFarm + 300 GB -or- 750 GB Yearly Blocknews Account deals. We’ll see what else BF may bring.