Listen, I get it. ManU is pretty shit. There’s no arguing about it. But a lot of people blame that on the Glazers. Which is something I don’t get?

We literally had the almost the exact same scenario unfold last year. Just with Tottenham. Everyone was saying “change manager as much as you want, nothing will change.” Even our own manager said it. Then of course, we brought in Postecoglu. I’m not delusional, I know there will still be downs with him. But he’s already transformed the club more the Conte has, IMO.

The two situations are so comparable, yet it seems people didn’t learn anything from last time. A manager’s job isn’t just to make tactics. It’s to rally the players, to give everyone that winning mentality. And that’s something Ten Hag can’t do. He’s punching above his weight, and it’s very obvious.

And yes, the Glazers are shit owners. There’s no denying that. But you can’t simply place everything on the owners. Ten Hag got his men. He got who he wanted. Yet he’s still mid table and losing to the Newcastle B-team. He’s a very flawed manager who probably shouldn’t manage in the Prem.

Open to discussion, ofc. Feel free to try and change my mind.