…yeah, I’m sure Trump will have your back…

  • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Last time I acted on a threat like this, we got Bush Jr.

    puts on mechanic outfit that’s your problem right there! You’ve got your intended effect meter on backwards. puts it back to “politician acts on threat from constituents”

    I really do believe that blood is on my hands.

    Blaming yourself for what others do is a classic sign of being in a toxic relationship. You didn’t invent the undemocratuc Electoral College, without which Dubya would never have been president and none of his war crimes were suggested by you.

    Every potential US president with any real chance of winning - all of them - will support Israel.

    Yeah, as long as people like you reinforce the toxic status quo by doing their best to vehemently oppose every attempt to hold them accountable.

    My representatives know I think our support of Israel in this genocide is unconscionable.

    And your representative also knows that they can count on you and others to run interference every time someone tries to effect meaningful change.

    Threatening to not vote for the lesser of two evils is an understandable statement of frustration, but until there’s a credible alternative candidate who says they’d cut military support for Israel… well, it’s just punching a brick wall.

    You would have told Martin Luther King to cut it out with the “brick wall punching” for sure.