There is SO much misunderstanding about China that it’s mind-boggling.
Their people own the means of production. Profits are used to meet the needs of the people, keeping wealth from being hoarded by individuals and thus slowing the flow of money. Their governmental structure is FAR more representative of the people than the US’s is. Their expansion of high speed rail has been phenomenal. “All the same exploitation” with none of the problems caused by late stage capitalism.
Maybe you should try talking to people who live and work there.
China is one of the least free places on earth and it has all the same exploitation the West. What upside is there?
There is SO much misunderstanding about China that it’s mind-boggling. Their people own the means of production. Profits are used to meet the needs of the people, keeping wealth from being hoarded by individuals and thus slowing the flow of money. Their governmental structure is FAR more representative of the people than the US’s is. Their expansion of high speed rail has been phenomenal. “All the same exploitation” with none of the problems caused by late stage capitalism. Maybe you should try talking to people who live and work there.