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The original was posted on /r/bestofredditorupdates by /u/Choice_Evidence1983 on 2025-03-14 04:02:08+00:00.

I am NOT OOP, OOP is u/hellshealth

Originally posted to r/TwoHotTakes

My (22m) gf (23f) is secretly visiting my abusive parents with our son (3m) and doesn’t understand why this upset me. We had a huge fight and I don’t know what to do now?

Thanks to u/soayherder for suggesting this BoRU

Trigger Warnings: past childhood trauma, emotional manipulation, mentions of child abuse, betrayal, possible parental alienation

Original Post: March 3, 2025

I didn’t have an easy time growing up, my childhood was so fucked up that I sort of just put it all in a mental box and left it at that. Needless to say I left my parents as soon as I could and then went no contact and haven’t seen them since.

Theres several reasons I went no contact and she seemed understanding enough when I told her that I didnt even want to tell my parents about their grandson. I don’t want my son around these people, I dont want my girlfriend around these people and above all I would never leave any child alone around these people. My girlfriend doesnt know about what exactly my father did to me and my sister but I also feel like she doesnt have to know in order to respect my wishes?

Yesterday my sister texted me a picture of our parents dog in the background was my sons shoes. Our mother uploaded it on FB, where i have them blocked, but my sister recognized the shoes though mainly was concerned about them even having a kid over. My gf and I both work, she only part time, but we always have someone to watch our child, either my sister or my gfs family, so its not like she had to bring him there to have someone watch him. This was a deliberate decision that she should have made with me.

I talked to my son about it and turns out hes been there several times unsupervised, alone with my father. Apparently nothing happened, but I was understandably angry and confronted my gf as soon as she was back home, which of course lead to a huge fight. She left crying and went to her parents house and later her mother came to pick up my son which I refused which lead to a fight with her mom too.

My gf texted me, asking to talk later today and I know I cant keep my son from her (I also dont want to) but I dont want to go into our conversation unprepared so any advice is welcome. I also feel betrayed and still very angry and I’m honestly ready to break up over this but my son is very upset and anxious because he heard our fight and I’m just at a complete loss and don’t know how to handle this.

Relevant Comments

Commenter 1: On the one hand, if she doesn’t know the whole story, I can appreciate why she would want to try to foster a relationship.

But on the other….she betrayed you. And further, why did she need a secret babysitter? It kind of seems like maybe there’s more to this if she was leaving him with them.

OOP: Even without the whole sory I always felt like she knew enough about my childhood. I can understand it too, her mother also told me not to hold grudges and my father apparently has issues with his liver (wonder where thats coming from) so I should just “take the first step and forgive them” but this is my decision and she kept it a secret for months and essentially told my son to lie to me.

I was so angry I didn’t even think about any other reason why she would leave him there but youre right. I mean I kind of just assumed that she would visit them to rebuild that relationship because we have babysitters.

OOP explains if he has documents or reports of the abuse from his parents and other significant details

OOP: Yeah my sister and I have no proof of what happened and she wanted to get financial aid bc her ptsd makes it harder for her to work but her lawyer said itd be hard to get anyone to believe her/us. She gave up on that eventually.

A couple people have suggested lawyers and custody agreements but I’m worried that my son would get to live with my gf and her family if we did break up because I have nobody in my corner except for my sister while shes his mom and has a whole family to support her.

Admitting to/confronting what happened with my parents in the past is really hard for me which is why i never actually told her in detail and I think that was my mistake. I never considered that shed wish for him to get to meet them. Up until my sister texted me the photo i had kind of just ignored they existed.

Commenter 2: O she taught your son to not trust you. That would be a reason to drag her ass to court for a custody agreement where she also has to sign that she will never go to your parents behind your back with him.

Imagine a toddler who get told by his mom not to tell daddy… that little kid was in an abusers home unsupervised… many many times. Imagine grandpa would have done something to him but the kid had learned to keep secrets… That’s horrible and manipulative. Imagine an accident happened to that child… you would have been non the wiser. That betrayal is unforgivable, she drove a wedge between you and your kid. Nah, I would be done.

OOP: I panicked when he said it was something he wasnt supposed to say. She apparently told him it was a surprise and thats why he had to say he was at her parents.

I wouldnt have been this upset had she cheated on me but she involved him, made him keep a secret and put him at risk and the more i’ve been thinking about this the more i feel like I just cant trust her anymore. Especially if something did happen and he just doesnt realize and I haven’t asked the right questions or he doesnt have the vocabulary


Update: March 7, 2025 (four days later)

First of all thank you for all the comments and input. I didn’t feel like I could even think when I made my initial post so it was good getting different perpectives.

This will be a long post but ill put a tl;dr at the bottom.

I did write that my gf and I would talk that same day I posted but we didn’t because I needed to sort myself out and I think she did too. She’s been avoiding me ever since and requested we talk at her parents place but I didnt want that so we didn’t get to talk until yesterday while my son was at my sisters.

Apparently in September last year my mother reached out to my gf on FB asking how me and my son were doing. My mother is a very intelligent woman but highly manipulative. She convinced my gf to visit them because my father is ill. My gf said she didn’t tell me because she knew id say no and she wanted to see what kind of people my parents were. She brought our son but didn’t leave him alone at first, but their visits got fairly regular and she became comfortable with leaving him with my parents. He seemed fine, even seemed to like it there, so she didn’t feel like he was in danger. The first time she left my son fully alone was when she went Christmas shopping.

I think from what I had told her about my childhood home, she expected a house of horrors but according to her the place was clean and fixed up, the dog was healthy and my parents were nice.

The thing is that she knew “something happened” to my sister. I never told her what happened to me which I now see I probably should have done. She doesnt see predators everywhere like I do and when my son didn’t report anything negative she saw no issue taking him and leaving him there. Its pretty clear that she doesnt know anything about abuse and what it can look like. I dont understand how she could think shed be able to spot the signs with this little knowledge. My father has been in contact with children most of my life and while I dont know if hes done anything to them, my sister always said he knew how to make children feel at ease. Both my parents are very methodical and calculating so I dont blame her for believing them but I blame her for not discussing this with me. She went to visit them after talking to my mother for a few days, meanwhile ive lived there for 17 years and somehow she thought she knew better than me.

Even when I told her some details about my childhood she still tried to push supervised visits, saying my father was ill and my son had a right to meet his grandparents which I don’t agree with at all. The thought of children being around these people makes me sick but she seems reluctant to agree to officially limit their visitation rights. I’d need her agreement however, unless I want a court case.

I also tried to explain why this felt like a betrayal, because this is not just about putting my son in danger, its also about her going behind my back for months. What else would she be capable of? Then she told my son to keep the visits a secret which is exactly what abusers say too.

She did apologize, saying she made an honest mistake and feels like I’m blowing this out of proportion and that her parents think so too. Besides, our son is fine and I shouldnt have raised my voice at her mother and should be more grateful for what her parents have done for me and us over the years (which I am, I owe them, sure, but that doesn’t mean they can just overrule my parenting decisions or get so involved). I feel like neither her nor …

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    • Spacehooks@reddthat.comM
      2 days ago

      Im hoping she was young and didn’t understand. I was same back then too and i also learned the hard way.

      trust SO when they say danger or you don’t value them as a partner.