It’s fucking sickening. This is the one piece of meaningful power they have until the midterms, and Republicans didn’t even bother consulting them.
Now they want to give it up, for what? A pinky promise they’ll play nice? To make sure Trump doesn’t get ammunition to blame Democrats for everything?
Fucking coward.
They want the same things the republicans want.
It’s like liberals don’t even understand they’ve been living in an oligarchy for decades?
Oh, they know. They just lost the oligarch vote, and now they’re simping to get them back
To make sure Trump doesn’t get ammunition to blame Democrats for everything
I sure hope he’s not dumb enough to think that, Dems will be blamed either way.
Not even. A floor vote on an amendment to the bill that won’t pass. They’re going to give them legitimacy in exchange for a fucking performance.
Lamestream/GOP media saying Democrats will be blamed for shutdown, is media blaming them for shutdown and supporting a corrupt bill.
He would need to be abandoning some kind of principles to be a coward.
Not the case.
The GOP is actively dismantling the government. Why would they care about a government shutdown?
Seems stupid to try to threaten them with one.
The point isn’t threatening a shutdown; the point is not endorsing the ceding of Congress’s budget authority to Trump (which is what voting to support the continuing resolution would do).
Why would they care about a government shutdown?
Because for all their talk they need at least some parts of the government to work. That’s why they’re recalling employees all over.
They’re shutting down humanitarianism.
State control/violence and wider imperialism will continue to be fully funded.
Not to mention, they’ve consistently threatened us with shutdowns up until now, so the democrats threatening one won’t work. Heck, they would revel in democrats using something from their playbook.
That’s a non-sequitor. Threatening a government shutdown only works when the other guys are in charge. Right now the GOP is in charge, so they have to worry about government shutdowns.
If democrats do it, republicans will just turn it around and say, “look they do it too!”
Plus, a shut down is exactly what Trump wants, so he can declare military action or something equally aggressively stupid and try repeatedly claiming the stock markets crash was somehow the democrats fault and made him do it.
If democrats do it, republicans will just turn it around and say, “look they do it too!”
Okay, and? Anyone who’s gonna fall for this was a lost cause anyway.
Plus, a shut down is exactly what Trump wants, so he can declare military action or something equally aggressively stupid and try repeatedly claiming the stock markets crash was somehow the democrats fault and made him do it.
Okay, and? Trump will do whatever the fuck he wants and make up excuses later. Simply put: Republicans already decided who they like and who they hate; the reasons are secondary and can be made up as needed.
Of course it would work. Come on, now.
A shutdown can allow them to dismantle the government faster.
No, it’ll throw them for a loop. Fucking musk got social security records and thought every entry was getting payments, despite many being dead. The dumb fuck didn’t even check their status before crying fraud - which is a serious crime that must be investigated
The records contain everyone who ever got it, dead or alive
These people are imbeciles. These chuckle fucks are struggling to accomplish their goals with unlimited power, you think they could navigate a shut down government?
I think it might be easier for them to access closed buildings and servers. I think it makes it easier for them to shut down agencies they don’t like, such as the department of education. And I doubt the federal workers would get back pay this time as they have in the past.
The shutdown would screw a lot of people. The CR could be worse. And the Democrats, as usual, are left to be the only adults in the room. Yeah , the Republicans might eat more blame, questionably, but a lot of people would get hurt regardless.
It’s 2 months into a trump presidency. I don’t care how a shutdown reflects on the dnc. With all the dumb shit the gop does in the next 2 years this will be forgotten by next wednesday. The dnc’s polling is trash and their donors are fleeing, why even count on being able to legitimately win another election? God knows they haven’t changed a damn thing.
Their small time donors are fleeing. Their corporate buddies are still lining their pockets with the big bucks.
That’s not a brag
Okay, so Musk’s children show up at the department of XXX. There’s no one there, the building managers who hold the keys could hand the keys over, but they don’t know who they are because the chain of command is at home.
Also, the Marshalls are at home, so the doge children are showing up alone to navigate this problem. So they break the door down?
But there’s no one there, so they search the building door by door for a server room. But they encounter a secure area, which they have neither keycards or associated pins for. So they break down the door?
And now the local police are alerted, but they continue on. They break down a bunch more doors, and find the server room. They proceed to hack random servers in the hopes of finding what they’re looking for
No, no… Shutting down the government would create endless hurdles for doge, each one that is difficult for a competent person to navigate
Ridiculous to use that as “politically weakening Democrats” excuse. Get zero, so that destroying government during shutdown, instead of at a slightly slower pace, somehow gets blamed on Democrats???
Because they want to spend that money on their friends’ companies. That’s why they care.
If you have to ask WTF about this dude, then you know nothing about this dude.
I’m out of the loop for mental health reasons. Someone fill me in so I don’t go into a spiral trying to find it?
Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Leader. Said he would vote no on the maga funding bills… then the next day changed his mind like the coward he is.
In current Senate Rules, 60 votes are needed to end discussion (aka: cloture) in order to prceed to a vote. republicans only have a simple majority so they would need a few democrats in order to pass the bill. But Chuck the Cuck just told the democrats to vote yes.
I used to think it was a conspiracy theory that Democrats were controlled opposition but the way they shoot themselves in the foot over and over… It can’t be a coincidence that they keep making the worst choices constantly.
They are beholden to the same investors. It’s the investors that pick whenever we get rainbow flavored wage slavery or nazi flavored slave-wagery for the next 4 years. It seems that our overlords decided that it’s too costly to put effort into pretending that that’s not the case, so we got this piece of shit basicially saying the quiet part out loud. I am actually surprised how little backlash from the USA citizens happened so far, but I hope the guilottines get deployed soon, because it gets embarassing watching this farce.
They are DEFINITELY controlled opposition.
“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” - Napoleon Bonaparte
What I was thinking is that Trump and Musk are very unpopular partly because they are firing all the state workers. Many veterans. If Democrats shut down the government, the blame will be reversed. Democrats will be blamed for putting state workers out of work.
And besides, shutting down the government is literally what Trump wants. He could claim the victim (as he loves to do) while getting exactly what he wants.
Is this similar to your point?
A total shutdown is far more likely to hurt trump and the Republicans. The Democrats by supporting this are letting certain Republicans oppose it.
I have heard that government shutdowns are usually blamed on the party that forced the shutdown. Ie democrats in this scenario.
Now, we all believe Musk and Trump are a threat that needs to be stopped at all costs, so a government shutdown would be good. But how will the average American view it?
Honestly, your napoleon quote seemed very much in favor of not shutting the government down. Let Trump keep making mistakes.
The gop are forcing the shutdown. The dems are the minority, the gop needs to negotiate.
Ok, I agree with you, but the majority of americas do not. Which is my point. Every time Republicans shut down the government using your logic, they were the ones that ended up suffering in the end.
You have no clue what the majority of Americans think. Shutdown or no shutdown any strife will be pinned to democrats. That’s how this works. Don’t play coy. Democrats do nothing but horde political capital. If they don’t ever spend it, it goes away.
What I’m looking at is in 4 years, will the GOP be able to claim they made the country better? I don’t care how it happens if this country doesn’t ‘feel’ like they are in a better place there is a reckoning coming for the GOP.
You think Chuck Schumer has no idea what the majority of Americans want? You think he doesn’t have databases of internal polling numbers that show him how people will likely react to this?
It’s weird cause that napoleon quote was so fitting for what I am saying. Let Trump keep making his own bed. The American people are reacting negatively towards Trump, not Democrats.
Anecdotally, my dad has been sending me anti Trump memes. He’s always been right wing, but not maga. So we haven’t talked politics in years and all of a sudden he is vocally anti trump.
The momentum is against Trump now. If Schumer shuts the government down there will be finger pointing on both sides. If he keeps it open and lets Trump keep fucking up, the people that have Trump the election will be less likely to show up in the midterms.
Anyway, we are just 2 random people that ultimately don’t know what we’re talking about. I’m just giving the case Schumer is likely considering.
GOP never loses votes over their BS. It is not BS to not cave to GOP, on only legislative chance to get anything at all from them.
But what would we get from them? They want the government shut down. This is exactly what Musk is doing with all his firings. It would be a win-win for Trump. Shut down the infrastructure, “save money”, cry victim.
Push, with Dem support, a clean CR. Giving Trump unchecked power to destroy America would normally give “political points” to those who think it is a bad idea. Using the shutdown, and refusal/veto of clean CR, to destroy America might still let congress including GOP to try and stop it, instead of giving Trump those unchecked powers to never be questioned on it.
Absurd to take blame for corrupt GOP media dominance.
Call your senators, they can still block this despite Schumers push. The vote is tomorrow morning. If all republican vote for it, they need 7 dems. 8 with Rand Paul who has said he’ll vote no. (Republicans are not using reconciliation so it needs the the filibuster)
Many senate dems are publicly coming out against voting for cloture (meaning they won’t vote to let it get through the filibuster). As of what I last read, around 10 dems are thought to potentially vote to let it pass filibuster. Most of those are still not sure. We only need a handful more of those to become noes and it will get blocked. Some yeses have flipped to noes because of public pressure. We cannot let up now
Link to find direct numbers your senators
Or call the capitol switch board (202) 224-3121
House dems are publicly telling the senate not to do this (and it’s not just AOC on this - it’s quite a few of them). Earlier read that 7 Dem state AGs are saying the same. Federal worker unions are telling senate dems not do this. Keep the pressure up
lmfao count on the dems for sure because they really care about us lol
“I’m Chuck Schumer and I’m a fucking sellout.”
Always has been.