No you voted for extra genocide and in the process nuked the economy also. I’m sure Palestinians love you and your fraudulent morality which is actually idiotic cruelty. A disgusting liar who would be celebrated if it weren’t for all these dEmoCrAt GeNoCiDe SuPpOrTeRs
I’m sure Palestinians love you and your fraudulent morality which is actually idiotic cruelty.
Palestinians voted for Jill Stein more than any other candidate. I voted alongside Palestinians who rejected the two-party genocide. You on the other hand appear to have no respect for the Palestinians wishes, instead insisting that you know better than them.
Lol you can speak for all Palestinians saying they all voted very much against their interests because you lie and say you knew one
I was referring to those in Gaza getting bombed and who will suffer even more because you intentionally voted to hurt them, knowingly, lying all the way. I have zero faith that liars like you deserve an iota of benefit of doubt
Even if it wasn’t for the corrupt criminal and the genocide you advocated for, Stein is a Russian asset with no real policy positions. She once said 911 was an inside job. No one should ever take a goddamned thing a stein voter says seriously. To vote for Stein makes one either an idiot or a bad person.
You’re a genocide supporter who lies
Prove it. I bet you voted for a candidate that said they support Israel unconditionally.
I didn’t vote for trump, unlike you, you fraud.
Neither did I. Keep acting that way though please… You’ll help get more third party voters next election.
You voted third party. Worse than voting for Trump because you’re spreading the lie that it will help anything
You voted for the pro-genocide candidate. You lied, made excuses & can’t figure out why you lost to Trump.
No you voted for extra genocide and in the process nuked the economy also. I’m sure Palestinians love you and your fraudulent morality which is actually idiotic cruelty. A disgusting liar who would be celebrated if it weren’t for all these dEmoCrAt GeNoCiDe SuPpOrTeRs
Palestinians voted for Jill Stein more than any other candidate. I voted alongside Palestinians who rejected the two-party genocide. You on the other hand appear to have no respect for the Palestinians wishes, instead insisting that you know better than them.
Lol you can speak for all Palestinians saying they all voted very much against their interests because you lie and say you knew one
I was referring to those in Gaza getting bombed and who will suffer even more because you intentionally voted to hurt them, knowingly, lying all the way. I have zero faith that liars like you deserve an iota of benefit of doubt
Even if it wasn’t for the corrupt criminal and the genocide you advocated for, Stein is a Russian asset with no real policy positions. She once said 911 was an inside job. No one should ever take a goddamned thing a stein voter says seriously. To vote for Stein makes one either an idiot or a bad person.