Another example of why the gays get looked at with the slant eye, right here. You can’t even operate in public without the constant NEED to push your sexual preference into every single thing.
It says far more about yourself than it does me.
Does it ever STOP being “cool” to constantly speak this way?
Do you eventually grow out of it or what? You’re just terminally fucked and behave like this all the time?
Explain it.
Your entire identity is based on “I’m gay” “I’m different”
Another example of why the gays get looked at with the slant eye, right here. You can’t even operate in public without the constant NEED to push your sexual preference into every single thing.
It says far more about yourself than it does me.
Does it ever STOP being “cool” to constantly speak this way?
Do you eventually grow out of it or what? You’re just terminally fucked and behave like this all the time?
Explain it.
Your entire identity is based on “I’m gay” “I’m different”
Yes… we’re all very impressed.
You do realize being gay isn’t some new thing…
Like, who fuckin cares, good Lord
This bigotry constitutes hate speech and should be reported as such.