Some people, communicating via satellite phones, have described the attack as the “heaviest bombardment yet,” according to independent journalist Sharif Kouddous.

“People can’t call ambulances or civil defense. We are being bombed in an unprecedented manner,” said an unidentified journalist at a Gaza hospital, according to a translation by The Nation’s Palestinian correspondent, Mohammed El-Kurd. “The sky around us just lights up [with explosions], and no one knows what’s going on.”

    11 months ago

    But Israel is not just randomly bombing Gaza? Hamas uses the Gaza People as a meat shield. They have taken all of Gaza hostage.

    Should Israel just let themselves get bombed by those degenerate Terrorists without attacking themselves, because Hamas has a meat shield?

    Honestly, Israel could just glass the Gaza Strip in a few days. Instead, they target specific buildings and points, even “knocking” before blowing it up, so civilians (and the terrorists) can escape. It is tragic that there are civilian casualties, but it cannot be completely avoided in this specific circumstances. Hamas desperately has their launch sites near hospitals and schools and playing fields.