Why did your grandparents ruin Vaseline for you? Sorry, I wasn’t clear. Just wondering what kind of detriments I could be doing to myself by using Vaseline.
They put it on me. That was all it took i guess. Maybe it was just that i don’t like the stuff. It was like a jar of snot that smelled. Still gives me the ick. I’m 41.
Chapstick, hand lotion, balms anything but Vaseline.
Why did your grandparents ruin Vaseline for you? Sorry, I wasn’t clear. Just wondering what kind of detriments I could be doing to myself by using Vaseline.
They put it on me. That was all it took i guess. Maybe it was just that i don’t like the stuff. It was like a jar of snot that smelled. Still gives me the ick. I’m 41.
I hear ya. I’m not a fan of the smell either, but for what I use it for, it works wonders. I also use Lucas Paw Paw when I can. It smells way nicer.