Well thankfully my fingers aren’t made of paper mache.
Pry it up slightly and get an actual finger under it before pulling. Put your thumb in the centre of the lid for leverage.
What are your fingers made of, mashed potato?
How did you know about my mashed potato fingers?
I don’t have a problem with ring pulls on cans. I have problems with those shitty plastic ones found on Asian sauce bottles.
I use my teeth.
I must have weird anatomy or something because I have never found these even slightly difficult to open. Surely the real problem is wet/oily hands trying to grip smooth metal twist caps welded onto smooth glass jars.
I keep my fingernails short, so if I can’t lift the tab within a few seconds, it’s spoon time, baby!
I use my fingers like a normal person. The only problem I have with these is the occasional time when the tab shears off completely as you flip it up and you’re left contemplating whether to stab something into the groove or dig out the can opener…
100% sherd fingers and bend nails backwards
I feel sick.
Get that funny white crease back where flesh meets nail, mmm yer boi that’s what I’m about
I have a harder time dealing with pictures in my head then I do with gross stuff irl or things in movies.
Yer that’s rough buddy, I’m in the aphantasia bracket so no issues for me, gross it up lol
Heard of it but never looked into it. Wikipedia has story about a guy who sees the words, not the images (I think). Do you see words, symbols?
Na, no visual imagery at all,
Me too. I always thought people were being dramatic and colourful. Took decades to realize brains work differently. And apparently some people have problems with ring pulls as well. Human diversity is amazing.
Diversity for the win, I’d imagine a trophy if i could haha. Where do you land, partial or full?
You can get the ring part to lift slightly by pushing down on the opposite side
I bought a couple of the same cans to test this out with later. Saw the same advice in the other thread.
It’s got a pull tab, made for human fingers. How do you even use a spoon for this?? Do you jam the spoon in? I feel like I’m cack-handed enough to impale myself with the spoon if it requires jamming honestly 😂
upside down spoon
Usually a can opener, after the tabs on the woolies brand cans fall off. Thanks, duopoly!
I end up using a can opener, axe and angle grinder