So straight out the gate: I don’t ever really flirt (yes, even if I like the girl). And I’m not sure whether I should change strategies. So hence my question.

Note: I am a guy.

Edit: Thank you all for your input. I have come to the realisation I need to let the other party (better) know I am romantically interested in them. Either by means of flirtation or otherwise.

    16 days ago

    Flirting is part of a non-platonic relationship during the introduction, wooing and continued phases.

    Flirting can take a lot of forms though, so if you’re uncomfortable with what social media describes as flirting then you may simply have a different love language.

    For context, my partner and I met digitally through (essentially) a text based MMORPG and have been married for about a decade and a half. Never were unironic pickup lines part of our courtship.