Mark Rosewater replies to problematic questions around Magic: The Gathering on his Tumblr blog

    1 month ago

    I think Maro is a good enough, normal guy. MTG has made a lot of effort over the last 15 or so years to be really, radically inclusive, and its done a pretty good job (for example, a trans woman, Alesha, multiple same sex couples) along with few well meaning missteps (uh, Chandra’s War of the Spark narration, the reason Kaladesh is now called Avishkar).

    My guess is that if the order comes to straiten and whiten up Magic, it will come from Hasbro Corporate.

      1 month ago

      Honestly still mad about chandra/nissa. I was reading the online story bits and they were really building it up, then they allegedly uploaded an old draft by mistake and it was INCREDIBLY GAY (but also awkward because Chandra doesn’t know how to communicate).

      Fuck it here’s the whole ass screenshot I took.

      But all that was fine. Sometimes things don’t work out. It was just more proof that the tension was literally the author’s intent, and presumably Wotc direction. So that made the absolute slap in the face of war of the spark a million times worse.

      Unrelated, but that combined with the onslaught of standard bans after kaladesh, eldrazi winter, and modern horizons shit breaking the format then getting banned, and fucking over LGS with secret lairs, and printing more new cards in the past few years than the entire history of magic, I’m getting pretty fucking burnt out.