Just curious to see how you look at the sport if you actually played it. I feel like those who played would be less critical because they understand how difficult it can be on a much smaller level, let alone the pros. But maybe I’m wrong about that so just wanted to see how you guys see it.

I never played competitive ball but I feel like I’m super critical of the Lakers. Then again, when it comes to the Lakers, I feel like everyone is super critical unless they win a title.

  • Mobile-Entertainer60@fediverser.communick.devB
    11 months ago

    More and less, depending. It’s a lot easier to “see the floor,” so to speak. Too many casual fans only see the result, not the process. A few years ago, I had seats at a game against the Wizards. Thomas Bryant had a randomly good game and hit 3 contested 20 foot jumpers in a row. The guy in front of me is hollering for better defense, while I’m thinking “Thomas Bryant is jacking up 20 footers, that’s a pretty good defensive outcome.”

    • LR_Mango@fediverser.communick.devB
      11 months ago

      And it’s getting “worse” if you also coached a team for a few years… I often have a completely different point of view on the game. Also when watching with others, I’m getting excited for a great off ball action no-one else seems to be aware of cares for.

      Happens even if you never been close to pro level.