Just curious to see how you look at the sport if you actually played it. I feel like those who played would be less critical because they understand how difficult it can be on a much smaller level, let alone the pros. But maybe I’m wrong about that so just wanted to see how you guys see it.

I never played competitive ball but I feel like I’m super critical of the Lakers. Then again, when it comes to the Lakers, I feel like everyone is super critical unless they win a title.

  • barstoollanguage@fediverser.communick.devB
    11 months ago

    Eh I don’t really know, played high school amd in college, play pick up once a week.

    Really understand the hot streaks and when shots are cold, but that’s when you gotta adapt your game in game, make that pass, or wait for your shot.

    One thing I’m super critical of is boxing out, like we were taught that in grade 8, ball goes up, find a body turn around amd box em out, I can still here my grade 8 coach yelling at us cause of all the rebounds we weren’t getting. Doing drills 2 on 2 fighting for rebounds.