Do you think the title is true or false? In my opinion, I think Jokic clears Wilt Chamberlain offensively. Wilt is probably the better scorer due to the records but skill wise, Jokic clears him via the eye test with his insane skill gap and that compensates for Wilt’s athleticism gap. Nothing more to say on playmaking because Jokic is easily the greatest playmaking big of all time.

Does Jokic’s efficiency and skill gap offset Wilt’s record breaking numbers and athleticism or do you think Wilt is just better offensively?

  • walter_____pinkman@fediverser.communick.devB
    11 months ago

    I remember an effortpost someone made on here in which he adjusted Wilt’s stats for pace along with some other factors iirc and while still impressive they drop from unbelievable to more or less prime Shaq-level, again still great but the muh 100 points/50 ppg argument def mythologizes Wilt’s offensive output. And at least Shaq could maintain his numbers in the postseason, same with Jokic, Wilt however always wilted somewhat lol, so idk there probably is an argument for Jokic over Wilt offensively.