• Madison420@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    He absolutely was, no one even knew nutsack face was the actual power behind the empire. And no the retconn doesn’t make any goddamn sense so yes I ignore it.

    No he clearly wasn’t, obi wan probably still could have taken him because Vader would lose himself in anger again as always. Not to mention his untrained son bested or at the very least held his own against him so maybe 5th or 7th most powerful.

    He never needed to it was says pretty specifically in universe that Vader was thought to be the empire. Sure he never played geopolitics, instead he instilled fear and let his administration do administrative shit that doesn’t mean he isn’t the defacto leader.

    No, during empire literally no one knew nutsack face was the chancellor. It’s not mentioned and everyone would 100% know what the fucked up looking king of the galaxy looks like.

    He staged a coup, then faded into the shadow and very obviously immediately moved into the disinformation and replacement work. They literally show it on the movies.

    Everyone knew Vader, no one knew Anakin and no one would in the same way I don’t know what rey mysterio looks like but I’m still certain I know who he is and I’m 100% not willing to get thrown by my neck but dude a third my size.

    • rwhitisissle@lemmy.ml
      11 months ago

      All of this is your own personal headcanon. Which is fine, but let’s not pretend like it’s factually correct. And while I know wookieepedia is far from a perfect source, it at least tries to get as close to the canonical truth of the often contradictory backstories of characters in Star Wars media. On the page for Anakin Skywalker, one section starts

      Believing that he lost all that he cared about by his own hand, Darth Vader embraced his role as the Emperor’s chief enforcer. Few knew who he was, and even fewer suspected that he had once been Anakin Skywalker. Some rumors circulated that Vader was a counterpart to the late Separatist warlord General Grievous, whom Palpatine had held in reserve, while others speculated that he was a technologically modified warrior trained in the now-forbidden arts of the Force. His appearance at the Imperial court and the favor he carried from the Emperor earned him the distrust of Imperial officers. They resented him for appearing out of nowhere and having authority over them because of his link to his Master. They also resented his heavy-handed treatment of them, such as when he used the Force in the presence of his Master to choke Colonel Barokki. In secret, Barokki and another Imperial officer plotted to assassinate Vader, whose position in the new Empire they did not understand.