Hey there,

Maybe I’m just missing something obvious, but I’m a little bit confused as to how eat-eshell-mode works. If I, for example, fire up Eshell with Eat installed:

  :interactive t
  (elpaca eat (eat-eshell-mode))

Then I try running e.g. top, I’d expect top to open in an Eat buffer, but it’s not doing that for me right now: it just opens in plain ol’ dumpy Term mode.

What am I missing? Is this not what Eshell integration is supposed to do? How do you use Eshell and Eat together?

    • varsderk@fediverser.communick.devOPB
      11 months ago

      This is my current config: set TERM to “xterm”, and fix the otherwise impossible-to-see ANSI blue:

      (use-package eat
        (eat-term-name "xterm")
        (ansi-color-bright-blue ((t (:foreground "#00afff" :background "#00afff"))))
        (evil-set-initial-state 'eat-mode 'emacs)