By “party”, I mean a physical social gathering of people for the purposes of having fun. It may be used in a sentence as “I am throwing a party!” or “Let’s party!”.
Basically what I am trying to say is the default “party”.

I’ve never been to any, and I have no idea how people spend their time on parties, so I am curious how you did.

    1 year ago

    Reading comprehension seems difficult, so I’ll go over it again, quoted verbatim from my previous comment:

    ADHD, never investigated but scoring high on ASD assessments

    Here’s what you can deduce from this sentence:

    • I’m ADHD
    • I scored high on ASD assessment tests
    • Never got diagnosed for it (it being ASD)

    Here’s what you can’t deduce from this sentence:

    • “random online tests”: the self-assessment tests I made were provided by both my family doc and official governmental health resources
    • that I don’t have something because I don’t currently have an official diagnosis: do you think people with cancer don’t have cancer until a doctor says so? I spoke with professionals, but I’d need an adult assessment. Neuropsychiatric resources are already scarce for children as is it, getting an appointment for an adult over here is a rather difficult and time consuming process, for, in my case, discutable benefits

    Why do you do this?

      1 year ago

      My least favorite thing in the entire universe is having to take time to explicitly spell out what I’m not saying.

      I fucking hate that people can’t stop reading extra shit I didn’t write.