And I’d say it’s a pretty good release! As with all large sets of changes, there are a couple of regressions we’re tracking, particularly around the areas of external monitor brightness and multi-screen performance. They are being actively investigated. Other than those, so far all the issues have been fairly minor, requiring people to jump through various hoops to experience them. We’re still working on fixing them, of course! I’ll be writing up another post soon on these issues, discussing how they snuck into the final release, and what we can learn from the experience. But in the meantime, here’s the Plasma team’s work from this week.

    8 days ago

    I really think Cosmic is the ideal desktop, at least from the idea what they want to do. But I don’t want rely on it as its not proven yet (I mean with first release). Maybe in a few years from now.

    I have my gripes with Gnome, so won’t go into it now. Not very healthy doing that. :D I do think if you use Gnome as intended and without (or almost none) extensions, and use Gnome Apps for the most part, and don’t need to customize each and every corner, AND embrace the Gnome way of doing things, then I agree it is probably the best DE. But these are lot of ifs and buts. I don’t know if most people fall into this category, I certainly don’t.

    And on top of it is how Gnome… well I said I won’t go into it now. :D I’m sure you are familiar with all of this.