And I’d say it’s a pretty good release! As with all large sets of changes, there are a couple of regressions we’re tracking, particularly around the areas of external monitor brightness and multi-screen performance. They are being actively investigated. Other than those, so far all the issues have been fairly minor, requiring people to jump through various hoops to experience them. We’re still working on fixing them, of course! I’ll be writing up another post soon on these issues, discussing how they snuck into the final release, and what we can learn from the experience. But in the meantime, here’s the Plasma team’s work from this week.

    9 days ago

    So far it’s fine. Not much of a difference on the surface. Except floatplane videos in Firefox have distorted audio now after the update. Might be unrelated but it was directly after updating. Oh and my Application Menu crosses into the monitor to the left of my primary screen which is a bit annoying. Nothing showstopping here.