Discovered recently that Electric Wizard were kinda dicks back in the day. “At the time, we were pretty bad people. I got arrested for arson of a car, outside a police station. Tim [Bagshaw] went to nick a crucifix off a church roof so we could use it onstage…”

R. L. Burnside killed a man “possibly at a craps game.”

Varg of Mayhem Burzum burned a couple churches and killed a bandmate.

I could list other examples, but would like to hear from other people and other music genres.

    11 months ago

    Tool has been my favorite band for ~25 years now. I’ve been a fan through nearly their entire history and if there’s one thing that’s been a consistent element of the band, it’s that MJK is a fucking prick. No two ways about it. He’s a little shit with a HUGE ego and he’s just not a pleasant human. Creative as hell and damn good at what he does but a massive massive dick head. He’s not the reason I like Tool though and I wouldn’t even call myself an MJK fan, I dislike him in a lot of ways but when it comes to him, Danny, Adam and Justin laying down some badass fuckin jams, no one does it for me like a Tool. Danny and Adam especially. They are the core of Tool for me and I think MJK gets waaaaay too much credit for the band.