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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/crua9 on 2024-09-28 04:35:18+00:00.

So I came across this from an autistic youtuber that tries to help out people. He has a clip of it towards the start.

But looking into it, I guess she has a new standup show on Netflix. It’s called “Ellen DeGeneres: For Your Approval”. This is what happened.

Roughly around 37:50 in she basically says

Someone did suggest that I get tested to see if I’m on the spectrum. And, uh, I’m not on the spectrum. And I wouldn’t care if I was on the spectrum, but I’m not.

Then she stops and quickly says

Well I am on the spectrum.

Waits for people to laugh

We all are. It’s a spectrum.

[audience laughing and cheering]

But I’m on the part of the spectrum where someone on the spectrum would have a problem with me saying I’m on the spectrum, so…

Stops and wait for a laugh

Yeah, that’s right.

After that she moved on to her next joke.

I can’t say for 100% but it seems like she basically seek to get tested for autism to clear her name and permit her bad behavior. Here is the full transcript

I thrown the entire transcript into an AI and it says

“The autism bit is definitely related to her discussion of honesty and social awkwardness. It’s not a completely standalone joke. She’s building a narrative about how her personality and communication style have been perceived and misinterpreted throughout her career. This suggest she likely was suggested and seek out an autism diagnoses as a link to her behavior.”