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The original was posted on /r/dallas by /u/unfamiliarllama on 2024-09-22 02:54:53+00:00.

We didn’t see them when we viewed the apartment, but after signing the lease and being given the keys this morning, we walked in and saw 5 within 2 minutes. They were crawling on walls, the counters, coming out of cracks under the baseboards. Some were tiny, some weren’t. Lots of dead ones on the carpet in the bedrooms. I just can’t do it. I can’t spend a year fighting them. I grew up in a house with a roach infestation, I know how impossible it can be. And this is an apartment complex…I know it’s even harder to control.

I sent an email with photos and videos and asked for them to send someone before we move in on the 5th next month, but I honestly can’t bring myself to do it. I don’t want to live with them, fight them for a year and then deal with the fear and paranoia of taking them with us to our next place. Management has said they can send “complimentary” pest control once a week by written request, but tbh if that’s what’s been happening, they are not truly fixing the underlying issue and obviously know it’s an issue.

Our lease states we can terminate with 2 months notice for $3550. We paid a $1720 first month’s rent and a $150 deposit. So without ever having moved anything in, we’re out $5420. Do we have any legal recourse to fight this? I am lucky to be financially secure enough to have that in savings, but am enraged to be out this money for nothing. I paid less than that for my car.