Tech billionaire Pavel Durov’s arrest in France has reignited debate in Russia over the Telegram messenger app’s role in the war in Ukraine. The last round of discussion surrounding the issue came as recently as July, when the State Duma passed a law allowing new punishments for soldiers who use “civilian” devices while deployed. After a wave of criticism from pro-war bloggers and state media “war correspondents” who feared the new policy would leave Russian troops with no reliable means of communication, the law was watered down. Now, the same groups are discussing whether the “keys to Telegram” are at risk of being handed over to the West, and whether the messenger could be blocked by the Russian authorities. According to these commentators, Telegram has become the main communication tool of the war, linking various military branches and hierarchy levels into a single management, intelligence sharing, and target engagement complex, though this is a gross exaggeration. Meduza explains what we know about how the Russian military actually uses Telegram, what other programs its uses for battlefield communication, and why it still hasn’t developed its own platform to replace the Dubai-based app.
This is propaganda. Intended to justify shutting it down.
Why not talk about what’s actually important. Like genocide victims using it to tell their stories. Citizenry using it to organize when their oppressive govts shut down everything else.
Ukraine uses it as an important propaganda chanel too. Do they also want to shut that down? Telegram is shit but all this recent talk seems very fishy to me. Purely motivated by censorship ambitions.
Telegram might not be encrypted, but they’ve also spread their servers and content in multiple jurisdictions. And they don’t give in to law enforcement requests.
Alright, let’s talk about the fact that freedom fighter Pavel Durov closed channels and bots of the Russian and Iranian opposition. You can’t do that and justify it by local laws of various dictatorships, and then allow child porn and other criminal activities while ignoring laws of democracies. He created himself an image of a good guy, but it’s all lie.
Excuse me, this is the comments on Lemmy, no one read the article, they barely read the title before rushing here to spout off their captivating, brilliant opinion
Who cares?
This is propaganda. Intended to justify shutting it down.
Why not talk about what’s actually important. Like genocide victims using it to tell their stories. Citizenry using it to organize when their oppressive govts shut down everything else.
Ukraine uses it as an important propaganda chanel too. Do they also want to shut that down? Telegram is shit but all this recent talk seems very fishy to me. Purely motivated by censorship ambitions.
Telegram might not be encrypted, but they’ve also spread their servers and content in multiple jurisdictions. And they don’t give in to law enforcement requests.
This is why Durov is being charged.
Alright, let’s talk about the fact that freedom fighter Pavel Durov closed channels and bots of the Russian and Iranian opposition. You can’t do that and justify it by local laws of various dictatorships, and then allow child porn and other criminal activities while ignoring laws of democracies. He created himself an image of a good guy, but it’s all lie.
I think it’d be interesting to know how come an actual military is using Telegram for communication. Bizarre shit.
Did you read the article?
Excuse me, this is the comments on Lemmy, no one read the article, they barely read the title before rushing here to spout off their captivating, brilliant opinion