“Nose Ears” Artist: https://wuzzy.neocities.org/comic/890/
It’s a simple 3 panel web comic. There are 2 characters which are also simple. As the artist name suggests… a circle with nose, ears, eyes, mouth, and some tiny legs.
Character 1 says: “Vaccines are the deadliest poison!”
Character 2 says: “Didn’t you say that, by September, everyone who got the vax will be dead?”
Character 1: “Yes, AND?”
Character 2: “I’ve waited for my death for three Septembers.”
Character 1: has an angry, upset and silent expression.
I’ve got an ex colleague that told me that and my friends who still work with him like to remind him that I’m still alive!
My father tried to convince me that a 38 year customer of his who just died of heart attack because he was vaxxed. He said what the doctors said and I know he full of shit.