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The original was posted on /r/aitah by /u/TrashyClassySassy on 2023-10-07 08:59:35.

I 28F went out to the bar tonight to grab a drink and unwind from the work week. I go to this bar regularly so I know some bartenders, security, and some of the other regulars.

I ended up sitting next to someone 34M that I have met there before that I’m not too fond of. He doesn’t know how to just chat. The last two times I was around him, I watched him take every simple conversation and turn it into an opportunity to spew his opinions on how everything has a deeper meaning that we can’t understand but he’s about to educate you on what it is. Another man 44M came up to his friend at the table and introduced himself to me. He started with small talk like my age what I do, then he began talking to me about how spirit and energy are important and went on a tangent that I most checked out for. He ended it with talking about how I carried and presented myself well and I seem like a “good woman that deserves a strong man to lead her” which to me was gross then he tried to ask me for my number. I told him that he was older than all of my siblings and closer to my parents age than my age. He said he had his own place and he was an independent man and I stopped him to let him know it’s not about that, I take care of myself fine.

Then, previously mentioned 34M and 44M started talking and 44M told 34M that he could teach him more about the true ways of the world as a man. 34M said he can’t be taught anything and they got into a heated argument with me sitting in the middle. They found common ground and 44M looks at me and says “do you see how real men resolve issues?”. I told him that I am always glad when people can talk and find common grown and be looked down, shook his head, and said “you clearly don’t understand what I’m saying” and this is where I lost it a bit.

I told him that if he were a real man in the ways he believes, he would be home with his wife and kids instead of trying to get with women that he could have birthed. That if he was a good man, women his age would be interested but clearly they can see his bullshit which is why he wants a younger woman he could “teach” which was really weird. I don’t want or need a random man to teach me how to be a woman. I ended with saying that his spiritual spewing was bullshit because his first response when I rebuffed him was saying he had his own place instead of asking why I was hesitant. That he’s materialistic like the type of mindset I heard him detest. He’s not that deep or a real man and he needs to reevaluate his thought process and possibly life. Throughout this he tried to interrupt me and I kept saying “a real man shows respect and doesn’t interrupt” which surprisingly shut him up.

Everyone at the table looked at me in shock when I was done because I’m guessing I was louder than anticipated and I scurried out and went home. Now that I’m home, I feel like I may have done a bit too much in my attacking and I feel kind of bad. AITAH?