If you get to the Pearly Gates as a fat mole rat, point out to St Peter that with climate change and rising ocean levels, Heaven may need your attributes soon.
This says there are fat naked mole rats, but it says their role is to connect to other naked mole rats communities by digging when the ground is soft from rain. That’s quite different from the claim that their role is to block the tunnels to stop them flooding.
found the paper https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=Qpc4puUAAAAJ&citation_for_view=Qpc4puUAAAAJ:d1gkVwhDpl0C
Next life goals: request to be fat naked mole rat at the pearly gates.
If you get to the Pearly Gates as a fat mole rat, point out to St Peter that with climate change and rising ocean levels, Heaven may need your attributes soon.
This says there are fat naked mole rats, but it says their role is to connect to other naked mole rats communities by digging when the ground is soft from rain. That’s quite different from the claim that their role is to block the tunnels to stop them flooding.
Didn’t find the passage that states anything about blocking passages from rain though…